Hdx Weed And Grass Killer

HDX 64 oz. Weed and Grass Killer

  • Makes up to 42 gal.
  • Contains 41% Glyphosate
  • Covers up to 12,600 sq. ft.
  • Completely wet the leaves of the plant, do not overspray
  • Most treated weeds usually show initial symptoms in 2-4 days and complete kill in 1-2 weeks

Weeds. The bane of every gardener and homeowner’s existence. No matter how much time and effort you put into maintaining a lush, green lawn and garden, those pesky weeds always seem to invade. But don’t reach for the hoe and start digging just yet. With the right weed killer, you can wage all out chemical warfare on those unwanted plants.

HDX Weed and Grass Killer is one of the most popular and effective weed control products on the market. Keep reading this buying guide to learn everything you need to know about using this powerful weed-killing formula for your yard.

What is HDX Weed and Grass Killer?

HDX Weed and Grass Killer is an herbicide produced by the home improvement company HDX. It is designed to quickly and effectively eliminate a wide variety of common weeds like dandelions, clover, oxalis, chickweed, and more without harming your lawn grasses when used as directed.

The active ingredients in HDX Weed and Grass Killer are 2,4-D, quinclorac, dicamba, and sulfentrazone. These powerful chemicals interfere with plant growth hormones, causing susceptible weeds to die off down to the roots within hours of application. Yet the product will not affect lawn grasses like fescue, zoysia, St. Augustine, and more.

This non-selective weed control product comes ready-to-use in an easy to spray bottle. Just connect the sprayer to the bottle and you’re ready to start blasting those weeds away.

Where Can I Buy HDX Weed and Grass Killer?

One of the best things about this product is that it’s readily available at home improvement stores across the United States. You can pick up a bottle of HDX Weed and Grass Killer from the following retailers:

  • Home Depot – This big box home improvement store carries the 32oz ready-to-use bottle, as well as larger 1 gallon and 2.5 gallon containers for refilling the spray bottle.
  • Lowe’s – Similar to Home Depot, Lowe’s sells the 32oz spray bottle and larger refill sizes.
  • Walmart – You can find HDX Weed and Grass Killer on the shelves in the lawn and garden section of your local Walmart. The 32oz bottle and larger containers are available.
  • Amazon – Search Amazon for HDX Weed and Grass Killer and you’ll find the 32oz spray bottle shipped right to your door. The price per bottle is very reasonable too!
  • Home Hardware – For our Canadian readers, Home Hardware stocks this popular weed control product.

The small 32oz ready-to-use bottle typically costs between $10-$15. The larger 1 gallon refill size usually runs $30-$40. Shopping at Home Depot or Lowe’s may allow you to find it on sale during peak gardening season too.

How Effective is HDX Weed and Grass Killer?

Thousands of homeowners rely on HDX Weed and Grass Killer to keep their lawns and gardens pristine. When used as directed, it earns high marks for effectiveness at eliminating a wide variety of common nuisance weeds such as:

  • Dandelions
  • Clover
  • Chickweed
  • Knotweed
  • Plantain
  • Henbit
  • Spurge
  • Mallow
  • Ground ivy
  • Oxalis
  • Wild violet

The active ingredients 2,4-D, quinclorac, dicamba, and sulfentrazone synergize to attack weeds both above and below the ground. Most weeds will start turning yellow and browning within hours of application. The formula translocates down to the root system, ensuring the entire plant dies.

Reviewers report the product starts working almost immediately and weeds are completely dead within 1-2 weeks with just one application. It receives high marks for controlling even tough perennial weeds like dandelions by killing off the root system. Just be aware it is not effective against some resilient weeds like wild violet, creeping Charlie, and bermuda grass.

Overall, HDX Weed and Grass Killer earns top ratings for quickly dispatching a wide variety of common nuisance weeds invading lawns and ornamental garden beds.

How Do I Apply HDX Weed and Grass Killer?

Application is easy with the ready-to-use, pre-mixed formulation. Just connect the sprayer nozzle and dial the sprayer to your desired pattern – jet spray, foam, or wide coverage.

Always read and follow the label directions carefully before use. Here are some tips for properly applying HDX Weed and Grass Killer:

  • Spray when weeds are actively growing and no rain is expected for 24 hours. Early morning or late evening applications are ideal. Avoid spraying in high winds.
  • Thoroughly wet all foliage and stems but avoid runoff. Dense weeds may require repeat applications.
  • Keep people and pets away from the treated area until spray has dried to avoid transfer to other plants.
  • To prevent damage, avoid contact with desirable plants and grasses. Use a shield while spraying to block overspray if needed.
  • Wait at least 3-4 weeks before re-seeding treated areas.
  • Clean sprayer thoroughly after use. Triple rinse plastic containers before disposal.

With the convenient, ready-to-use formula, anyone can easily control weeds with HDX Weed and Grass Killer. Just spray, watch them die, and get your yard back to its beautiful best in no time.

What is the Active Ingredient in HDX Weed and Grass Killer?

The effectiveness of HDX Weed and Grass Killer comes down to its powerful mix of active ingredients:

  • 2,4-D – One of the most widely used broadleaf herbicides, 2,4-D mimics plant growth hormones to disrupt cellular processes and cause death. Especially effective on dandelions.
  • Quinclorac – Absorbed through roots and foliage, this herbicide controls crabgrass and broadleaf weeds like clover. Safe for established turf grasses.
  • Dicamba – A systemic herbicide that spreads through the entire weed after application. Controls annual, biennial, and perennial broadleaf weeds.
  • Sulfentrazone – Added as a pre-emergent herbicide. Creates an invisible barrier to prevent germination of new weed seeds.

The synergistic effects of these active ingredients allow HDX Weed and Grass Killer to attack weeds through multiple modes of action above and below ground. This makes it highly effective at killing existing weeds down to the roots while providing residual activity to prevent new weeds from sprouting up again.

Is HDX Weed and Grass Killer Safe for Pets?

We all want a clean, green lawn and garden, but not at the expense of our beloved furry family members! The good news is that HDX Weed and Grass Killer will not harm pets when applied as directed and allowed to completely dry before letting pets back in the treated area.

However, some common sense precautions should still be taken:

  • Keep pets away during application until spray is completely dry.
  • Avoid overspraying onto hardscapes like driveways and sidewalks where pets could walk before it dries.
  • Use a shield when spraying around ornamentals and gardens to prevent drift.
  • Do not allow pets to access treated areas until spray has dried.
  • Avoid applying before heavy rains that could wash product from treated areas.
  • Rinse paws and underside if pets make contact before fully dry.

With proper use, pets can enjoy a weed-free lawn and garden safely. But always put safety first and keep them away until it dries!

How Long Does HDX Weed and Grass Killer Take to Work?

One of the benefits homeowners praise about HDX Weed and Grass Killer is how rapidly it goes to work destroying weeds.

Thanks to the active ingredients that are rapidly absorbed into foliage and roots, the product begins working on contact. Most weeds will start turning yellow and brown within 3-6 hours of application.

Dense or more mature weeds may take a full 24 hours before the damaging effects are visible. But the product keeps moving down to the roots to ensure the weed dies completely.

Within 1-2 weeks, even tough perennial weeds like dandelions will be fully desiccated – roots and all. Just one application provides long-lasting control.

For the fastest results, apply HDX Weed and Grass Killer to young, actively growing weeds in the morning or late evening hours. Avoid spraying when rain is imminent. And use the jet spray pattern to thoroughly coat all foliage.

Can I Use HDX Weed and Grass Killer on My Lawn?

Provided you follow the label directions carefully, HDX Weed and Grass Killer can safely be applied to established lawns without harming desirable grasses.

The active ingredients target broadleaf weeds but will not damage common turfgrasses like:

  • Fescue
  • Zoysia
  • Bermuda
  • St. Augustine
  • Centipede
  • Kentucky bluegrass

Newly seeded lawns are a different story. The product can kill or stunt the growth of grass seed. Wait until after the third mowing or about 4 weeks after seeding before applying HDX Weed and Grass Killer.

Spot-spraying individual weeds is always the safest use in turf. But for large infestations, you can broadcast spray over the entire lawn. Just use a shield or cardboard when spraying around ornamentals and gardens to prevent damage to other plants.

With judicious use, HDX Weed and Grass Killer is a safe, selective herbicide for lawn weed control.

Are There Reviews for HDX Weed and Grass Killer?

With thousands of homeowners using this popular weed control product, you can find numerous HDX Weed and Grass Killer reviews online. Just search brand name reviews on sites like Amazon, Home Depot, Lowe’s, and more.

The majority of reviewers give the product high marks for effectiveness at controlling a wide range of lawn weeds while being safe for surrounding turfgrasses. Users report seeing visible results within hours with full desiccation of weeds including the roots in 7-14 days.

Many reviewers commented on the value offered by the convenient ready-to-use formula. It provides commercial-grade weed control without the hassles of mixing or equipment calibration.

Of course, individual results can vary. Several users complained the product did not work well against wild violet, creeping Charlie, and a few other resilient weeds. Proper application timing and technique can help boost effectiveness.

But overall, HDX Weed and Grass Killer earns very favorable reviews and comes highly recommended as an economical, fast-acting weed control product suitable for any homeowner’s needs.

What is the Coverage Area of HDX Weed and Grass Killer?

The small 32oz ready-to-use bottle of HDX Weed and Grass Killer covers approximately 200-400 sq. ft depending on weed density and application method.

Here are some estimates for coverage area with one bottle:

  • Spot spraying individual weeds – Up to 400 sq. ft
  • Overall lawn weed control – 200-300 sq. ft
  • Heavier weed infestations – 200 sq. ft or less

For larger areas, it’s more economical to purchase the 1 gallon or 2.5 gallon refill sizes and reload your spray bottle as needed.

1 gallon of concentrate makes up to 85 gallons of ready-to-use spray solution. This covers an estimated 8,500 sq. ft for spot spraying or 2,500-4,500 sq. ft for broadcast application over entire lawns.

Carefully spray all foliage to glisten but avoid runoff for maximum efficiency. Additional applications may be needed for dense infestations. Calibrate your sprayer properly and you’ll get maximum mileage from each bottle.

Is HDX Weed and Grass Killer Rainproof?

One downside to many post-emergent herbicides is that they can be washed off by rain before having a chance to act. But that’s not the case with HDX Weed and Grass Killer.

The active ingredients are rapidly absorbed into treated weeds within hours. As long as the spray has had time to dry on foliage and is no longer wet, rainfall will not affect its weed-killing performance.

Of course, avoid applying if rain is imminent within the next 2-4 hours. But light showers after that window should not impede effectiveness.

The active ingredients move internally within plants to kill from the roots up. So rain cannot simply wash away its potent effects. Just make sure to spray thoroughly to leaves and stems for best uptake before the next rain.

How Often Should I Apply HDX Weed and Grass Killer?

Most users find that one application of HDX Weed and Grass Killer provides season-long weed control. The combination of active ingredients provides immediate knockdown of emerged weeds along with residual effects on weed seeds that germinate later.

However, you may need repeat applications in these cases:

  • Dense weed infestations that need multiple treatments. Wait 7-14 days between applications.
  • Perennial weeds like dandelions may need a follow-up spray if new growth appears from surviving roots.
  • For seasonal maintenance. Apply early spring and fall to keep weeds at bay all year.
  • Heavy rainfall washes away residual activity so reapplication may be needed after a month or two.

Monitor treated areas and spot spray any new weed growth as needed. But in most cases, one thorough application provides up to 3 months weed control.

Does HDX Weed and Grass Killer Kill the Roots?

This is one of the biggest advantages of HDX Weed and Grass Killer over less effective products that only scorch the tops of weeds.

The combination of systemic action from the dicamba and 2,4-D plus the soil activity of sulfentrazone means this product kills weeds right down to the roots!

Most weeds start dying within hours of application. But complete desiccation usually occurs within 1-2 weeks as the active ingredients translocate all the way down the roots for a complete kill.

Even tough perennials like dandelions meet their match thanks to the root-killing power. Just be sure to thoroughly wet all foliage for best absorption into the plants.

With the root system destroyed, weeds won’t be able to re-grow from rhizomes and tubers. This provides long-lasting control with one application in most cases.

Are There Any Precautions When Using HDX Weed and Grass Killer?

While considered safe when used as directed, it’s wise to take some basic precautions when using this or any herbicide product:

  • Read the label thoroughly and follow all instructions
  • Keep people and pets away from treated areas until spray has fully dried
  • Avoid spraying near vegetable gardens, flower beds, or anywhere desirable plants may be impacted
  • Use a shield to prevent drift when spraying around ornamentals and gardens
  • Wear gloves, long sleeves, pants, and closed toe shoes when mixing or spraying
  • Rinse sprayer parts thoroughly after use and avoid back-siphoning into hose
  • Store in original container in a cool, secure place away from children and food
  • Properly dispose of empty containers according to local regulations

With judicious use, you can enjoy an immaculate lawn and garden safely. But always put safety first by reading and understanding the label.

How Does HDX Weed and Grass Killer Compare to Other Brands?

HDX Weed and Grass Killer stacks up very favorably against comparable retail weed control products from other brands like:

  • Roundup – More expensive but faster acting. Harsher on lawns.
  • Compare-N-Save – Cheaper but weaker formula. Requires repeat applications.
  • Spectracide – Similar broadleaf weed control but more risk to lawns.
  • Ortho WeedClear – Lower concentration of active ingredients. Slower to show results.
  • Scotts Turf Builder – Granular product less effective on established weeds. Residual pre-emergent weed prevention.

While everyone has their brand loyalty, HDX offers an unbeatable value proposition for homeowners with its professional-grade formula and low pricing. It consistently earns best-in-class reviews from users based on its fast-acting, long-lasting results killing a wide spectrum of lawn and garden weeds.

Can HDX Weed and Grass Killer Be Used in Gardens?

This product is only suitable for use on established lawns and areas with desired grasses you wish to keep.

HDX Weed and Grass Killer should NOT be used in vegetable or flower gardens as it will damage or kill most broadleaf plants and crops. Even overspray can cause injury to garden plants.

However, it can safely be used to control weeds in landscape ornamental beds provided you shield desired plants from any spray contact. Use a piece of cardboard when spraying around flowers, bushes, trees and other ornamentals you wish to keep.

When used carefully, HDX Weed and Grass Killer can eliminate weeds from rock gardens, patios and other non-lawn areas. Just take precautions to avoid any overspray reaching vegetable and flower beds.

What is the Price Range for HDX Weed and Grass Killer?

Here are the typical retail prices you can expect from home improvement stores:

  • 32oz ready-to-use bottle – $10-$15
  • 1 gallon concentrate – $30-$40
  • 2.5 gallon concentrate – $60-$80

Keep an eye out for sales at Home Depot, Lowes or Walmart and you may be able to save 10-20% off regular pricing. Stock up during peak gardening season for the biggest discounts.

Many homeowners find the 32oz ready-to-use bottle is ideal for spot spraying a few weeds here and there. But the concentrate sizes offer significant savings for whole lawn applications or if you have a major weed problem to tackle.

No matter what size you choose, HDX Weed and Grass Killer provides outstanding value compared to similar major brands.

How Long Does HDX Weed and Grass Killer Last?

An application of HDX Weed and Grass Killer will remain active against germinating weed seeds for 2-3 months after spraying. The sulfentrazone ingredient provides great residual effects to prevent new weeds popping up.

For existing weeds, the rapid burndown will kill within hours and complete desiccation occurs within 1-2 weeks at most. Tough perennials may occasionally re-sprout but can be easily spot sprayed again.

So plan on enjoying a weed-free lawn and garden for a good 2-3 months following application. Of course, results can vary depending on your environment. Regular rainfall can shorten the residual window closer to 6-8 weeks.

But the bottom line is you get long-lasting weed control from one properly timed application. Much longer than less expensive formulas or natural DIY remedies.

Are There any Discounts on HDX Weed and Grass Killer?

As a bargain shopper, who doesn’t love saving a buck or two when possible? Here are some tips to keep costs down when buying HDX Weed and Grass Killer:

  • Watch for sales at major retailers like Home Depot, Lowes, and Walmart – especially during spring and summer peak seasons.
  • Buy the larger 1 gallon or 2.5 gallon concentrate sizes for volume discounts vs. the 32oz bottle.
  • Share costs (and product) with neighbors and split larger containers.
  • Take advantage of online coupons that pop up periodically for HDX products.
  • Join rewards programs at stores like Home Depot to earn money back on purchases.
  • Buy off-brand equivalents if you’re not set on the HDX name. Compare-N-Save and RM43 are good alternatives.
  • Purchase during fall when prices start dropping as demand decreases seasonally.

With a little strategic shopping, you can save 10-20% on HDX Weed and Grass Killer without sacrificing performance.

Is HDX Weed and Grass Killer Environmentally Friendly?

All chemical herbicides pose some risks if misused. However, HDX Weed and Grass Killer contains environmentally safer ingredients than many other brands when applied correctly per the label.

Key points about its eco-friendly qualities:

  • No volatile organics – Unlike older 2,4-D formulas, no risk of vapor drift when sprayed
  • Low odor – Does not contain pungent chemicals that can bother people
  • No PBI’s – Does not contain persistent bioaccumulative ingredients
  • Minimal leaching – Chemistries bind tightly to organic matter without migrating
  • Fast breakdown – Degrades quickly in soil through microbial processes
  • Low application rates – Requires less product to be effective
  • Concentrated formula – Reduces plastic waste with minimal packaging

Always read and follow all label directions to ensure proper use. While not 100% environmentally benign, responsible use of HDX Weed and Grass Killer poses minimal risk to people or the environment while providing effective weed control.


From its potent mix of active ingredients to its budget-friendly pricing, HDX Weed and Grass Killer is one of the top retail weed control products available today. Proper application will provide rapid burndown of a wide spectrum of common lawn and garden weeds while still being safe around desirable grasses. It even kills down to the roots for long-lasting control. Just be sure to carefully follow all label precautions when using this or any herbicide. Your lawn and garden will look picture perfect in no time after applying this trusted weed-killing formula.

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